Looking to join our team?
We’re always looking to expand our team. If you’re looking to become a part of a team who devotes their time to giving voice to all, look no further. We are currently looking for students in high schools and colleges who are looking to lead their school’s chapter and who relate with our mission.
Please fill out the following application and we will get back to you.
Looking to start a chapter of Project Noted in your school?
Email us at projectnoted@gmail.com with the heading “Project Noted Chapter at (insert school name).
Looking to donate to Project Noted?
Project Noted is always looking for donations. Whether you are looking to donate your time, some supplies such as paper and envelopes, or some money, our team is always ready to accept!
How can you help?
Spread the word! Share project noted with your family, friends, coworkers, and everyone you know! We want to help as many people as possible and the only way we can achieve that is by spreading word!